tisdag 16 februari 2010

Training program 15 february ->

Dear diary, long time since we met... ;-) Christmas has been here so when the cycle was over christmas came and with it some bad shape so I wasn't able to start a new program but rather had to catch up after a couple of weeks of christmas break.

It's interesting how the kilos come creeping up on you, 4-5 kilos in the last 2 years. As I said before, losing weight is easy, keeping it off is a lifelong struggle.

However, I'm now shifting my efforts towards climbing and are at the moment in the second week of the velocity diet and the results are great as last time. My goal is to do the full 4 plus 2 weeks and hopefully be around 70-72 kilos when finished which should not be a problem. Ringtraining will be more of a maintainance program and might even be phased out during the best bouldering months.

So this is the plan:


Day 2:
Push, 3 sets of:
FSP1: 2 x 8s Planche - tuck
FBE1: 3 x HeSPU -4 cm rom, against the wall (proper width)

Pull, 3 sets of:
FSP2: 2 x 5s Back Lever - half lay, XR
FBE2: 3 x OAC - assisted, 30 cm offset.

Core, 3 sets of:
FSP3: 2 x 8s Front Lever - flat tuck, XR
FBE3: 3 x RLL - wall HS

Fingertraining on fingerboard.

Day 3:

Day 4
Push, 3 sets of:
FSP1: 2 x 8s Planche - tuck
FBE1: 3 x HeSPU -4 cm rom, against the wall (proper width)

Pull, 3 sets of:
FSP2: 2 x 5s Back Lever - half lay, XR
FBE2: 3 x Front Lever Pulls -half, flat tuck

Core, 3 sets of:
FSP3: 2 x 8s Front Lever - flat tuck, XR
FBE3: 3 x HLL

Fingertraining on fingerboard.

Day 5:

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