tisdag 29 september 2009

Training program 5 october ->

Today the fall finally got here so I decided to change to a program that I can do mostly indoors. New this time is some testresults is included as a reference


Push, 3 sets of:
FSP1: 2 x 6s Planche - tuck (18 seconds pr)
FBE1: 3 x HeSPU +/-0 cm rom, against the wall (5 HeSPU +/-0 cm rom pr)

Pull, 3 sets of:
FSP2: 2 x 15s Back Lever - flat tuck, XR (32 seconds pr)
FBE2: 3 x OAC - assisted, 20 cm offset.

Legs, 3 sets of:
FSP3: 2 x 8s Front Lever - flat tuck, XR (16 seconds pr)
FBE3: 3 x SLS - jumping

Core, 3 sets of:
FSP4: 2 x 10s L-sit - XR (22 seconds pr)
FBE4: 3 x RLL - wall HS


Push, 3 sets of:
FSP1: 2 x 6s Planche - tuck (18 seconds pr)
FBE1: 3 x Pushups - XR PPP Plus

Pull, 3 sets of:
FSP2: 2 x 15s Back Lever - flat tuck, XR (32 seconds pr)
FBE2: 3 x Front Lever Rows - flat tuck, XR

Legs, 3 sets of:
FSP3: 2 x 8s Front Lever - flat tuck, XR (16 seconds pr)
FBE3: 3 x GHR - half

Core, 3 sets of:
FSP4: 2 x 5s Manna - MSH bent
FBE4: 3 x HLL


Push, 3 sets of:
FSP1: 2 x 6s Planche - tuck (18 seconds pr)
FBE1: 3 x HeSPU +/-0 cm rom, against the wall (5 HeSPU +/-0 cm rom pr)

Pull, 3 sets of:
FSP2: 2 x 15s Back Lever - flat tuck, XR (32 seconds pr)
FBE2: 3 x Front Lever Pulls -half, flat tuck

Legs, 3 sets of:
FSP3: 2 x 8s Front Lever - flat tuck, XR (16 seconds pr)
FBE3: 3 x Deck Squats - jumping

Core, 3 sets of:
FSP4: 2 x 5s Straddle L - partial roll
FBE4: 3 x Side lever pulls - negative, tuck

5 kommentarer:

  1. Day one completed on october 5. The program was not as hard as I though but rather quite good at least for the first day. I completed all reps of all sets but the form was not so good on the last set of the plance and the rll:s

  2. Day two completed on october 7. A bit tougher than day one but completed with almost flying colors. Again it was the final planche set or two that lost some form.

  3. Day three completed. Plance still hard, I don't have the chest rolls down yet but soon I think. The frontlever pulls are nice but the frontlevers after that was harder than usual. A nice program overall.

  4. Changed planche set from 8 seconds to 6 seconds to be able to hold the form better.

  5. Replaced chest roll to headstand with HeSPU for day 3 because the rolls where not suitable for my back.
